Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Kenya Update #3

What a blessing today has been! We took the twenty-one pastors attending the training, split them into two teams and proceeded to start the actual drilling process at two different sites today. Of course, this being Africa, things did not go exactly as we had planned them. The local materials needed for the drilling: square tubing, steel pipes and PVC, that were to be delivered at 9am did not arrive until noon. No problem! That just provided our team with more opportunities to get to know these incredible Kenyan men, all who love the Lord whole-heartedly.

So we started drilling after lunch. Usually, that means a less than productive day. But today that was not the case. At both well sites, the drilling went very quickly. At our "Yellow" site we hit water about one meter from the surface. At the "Green" site it was about the same. Now even though we have hit water very early on in the process, we want to keep drilling. We need to make the wells deep enough so that when the dry season comes they will still have water in them. This has been an unseasonably wet year in this part of Kenya and the ground is literally saturated with water.

Below I have posted some pictures of the pastors drilling at the well site. It is such a moving experience to see these men of God grasp the significance of what it means to be able to bring water to the communities where they live and serve. It is a true game changer, in terms of physical health and eternal life.

Soli Deo gloria,

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