Sunday, July 8, 2012


As we await the next leg of our journey - the flight from Houston to San Pedro Sula - I am amazed at the shared behavior of travelers. It's all hurry up and wait.

When the plane lands, everyone rushes to gather their bags from the overhead compartment, only to wait while they "crosscheck the doors for arrival." Then the passengers race to baggage claim, and stand around waiting for their bags to be slowly loaded onto the carousel. And at the gate...mercy! It seems as if everyone crowds around the gate even if they are not eligible to pre-board, thus causing a massive bottle-neck that slows the boarding process to a glacial pace.

It can be that way in our relationship with Christ. We can become so consumed with the end product - our spiritual growth, our mission, the development of our gifts - that we miss the benefits of the process. We miss the blessings that come from walking with Jesus because we tend to run ahead of him.

Out in front of Jesus can be a precarious place to be. Usually, it means that we are relying on our own strength, rather than being dependent on the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The end result is usually not very pretty. We tend to crash and burn.

So as I sit on the plane waiting to depart the gate, my prayer for our team is that we will embrace the pace of life in Honduras. That we will be just as intentional about enjoying the process of our projects as well as the end result. That we would be patient enough to allow the Holy Spirit room to work in the middle of our schedules.

Soli Deo gloria.

Sent from my iPhone

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