Sunday, June 14, 2009

We Made It!

Well, we're here.

By the grace of God we managed to arrive in Honduras, clear customs, eat lunch in the food court of the San Pedro Sula mall and make our way to the town of Pena Blanca. Mind you, it wasn't a completely uneventful trip. We did have the brakes go out on our recycled yellow school bus as we were making our way through the hills that surround Lake Yojoa. Roadside repairs were attempted but to no avail. Back-up transportation was secured and we finally arrived...a little late and a little gamey (make that VERY gamey) but safe nonetheless.

It is very easy for our North American mindset to view the unexpected and unforeseen as an inconvenience when in reality God often uses those moments to teach us something about ourselves and about His nature. Today it was a lesson in God's sovereignty. When the air brakes on our bus went out our driver very calmly and skillfully navigated his way to the shoulder of the road. Had this happened just a few miles farther down the road we would have been on a much narrower road with numerous twists and turns and no shoulders to pull onto. Praise the Lord for providing a safe place for us to stop! Ask to continue His watchcare over us while we are in Honduras.

Tomorrow morning we plunge into our ministry projects here in Pena Blanca. All of our work tomorrow will take place at the Iglesia Pena de Horeb (Rock of Horeb Church). We will be operating a medical clinic in the church AND beginning work on a second story of the church. It promises to be an eventful day. In all likelihood our medical providers will see close to 200 patients tomorrow and fill close to 500 perscriptions. Please pray that our providers will have wisdom to make the proper diagnosis for the patients they see tomorrow. Pray that the translators will be able to adequately explain the needs of the patient to the providers.

What a privilege it is to be used by God to make a difference in the lives of others. What's more, a person doesn't even need to come to Honduras to exerience this. Opportunities surround each of us everyday right where we live.

Soli Deo gloria,

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