Monday, October 20, 2008

Our fearless leaders!

Brad celebrated his birthday while on our trip to Honduras.  The celebration included the customary tradition of breaking an egg over the head of the birthday boy.  Which was then followed by a flouring.  His mother, also on our trip, said it was the most fun she has had in years.  You're a great sport Brad!  In his speech and with a large lump in his throat he said he couldn't think of a better way to spend his birthday than serving the people of Honduras.  

This is a picture of Heart to Honduras president Gordon Garrett who was in Honduras overseeing many of the projects like ours during the week.  He has an absolute passion for the people of Honduras which was evident the minute he arrived at our Pena Blanca worksite.  He jumped in and played with the kids during VBS and even let them place stickers on his forehead.  I caught him playing soccer with some boys using an empty plastic coke bottle.   

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